Murrumbidgee Magic welcomes visitors at any time. We rehearse every Wednesday night from 7-9:30 pm at the Riverina Conservatorium, 1 Simmons Street, Wagga Wagga. You can just listen or join in.
We are always looking for new members and need voice ranges from very low to quite high. Sitting in on one of our rehearsals is the perfect way to find out more about us. You'll have the opportunity to hear us perform four-part a cappella harmony, and you'll be invited to join us during rehearsal to experience the music, friendship and fun for which Murrumbidgee Magic is known!
You don't need to be able to read music to join. Rehearsals include physical and vocal warmups, vocal production, learning new songs, working on current repertoire and preparing for performances.
All sheet music is provided to members, as well as learning tracks to help you learn your music at home.
For more information, contact us

To quote one of our members, "It's the love of singing that brought me to Murrumbidgee Magic. It's the enthusiasm, fun and lasting friendships that keep me returning week after week. I love it!"